Hamid Kachkachi

Full Professor of Theoretical Physics

Physics is a beautiful science that greatly helps us analyze and understand the world around us over huge space-time scales. It is a magic and efficient combination of mathematics with the capacity of our mind to represent the phenomena we observe. This makes it possible for us to progressively build precise theories and experiments which provide us with coherent explanations of the phenomena we observe and endow us with the ability to predict new ones, all to the benefit of humankind through daily-life useful applications.


Créer - voilà la grande délivrance de la souffrance, voilà ce qui rend la vie légère. Mais pour qu'existe celui qui crée, il faut beaucoup de souffrance et de métamorphose. F. Nietzsche


The task is not so much to see what nobody has seen yet but to think what nobody has thought yet about what everybody sees. A. Schopenhauer.